Here you will find information relating to the current rules and regulations surrounding the COVID 19 outbreak in our area.
It is important to remember that some information given below is only applicable to our funeral homes and other funeral directors may work to their own practices. This information was updated on 17th August 2022 and certain regulations may have changed since this date. We aim to keep updating this page and would encourage you to call us on 0191 548 7000 or 0191 534 8000 for the most up to date information
When someone passes away with or without Covid 19
When someone passes away with or without Covid 19
How to obtain the Medical Certificate
As soon as possible after a loved one has passed away either with or without Covid 19 we would encourage you to call us on 0191 548 7000 ( Fulwell ) or 0191 534 8000 ( Grindon )
Whether they have passed away in a Care/Nursing Home, Hospital or Hospice we can assist you obtaining the correct paperwork and help ease the process.
Hospital - Bereavement Services at the hospital should contact you once the Medical Certificate is ready. This certificate is now automatically sent via email to the Registrar's Office at Sunderland City Hall, however bereavement services should still contact you to advise that the certificate has been sent to enable you to contact the Registrar and make your appointment to register the passing.
Care Home/ Nursing Home / At Home - Call your loved ones GP on the usual surgery number. The process will be the same as above, the GP or receptionist will email the Medical Certificate straight to the Registrar's Office
Hospice - Call the Hospice and repeat the process above. The only difference here will be that it will be the Hospice Doctor that will issue the Medical Certificate however it will be emailed the same way as above.
Registering a Death
To register a death you still need to phone the Registrar ( in the district where they passed away ) and make an appointment to register their passing. The registration process is now back to normal and will be a face to face appointment. Death Certificates can now be collected directly from the City Hall
( Sunderland Office 0191 520 5553 )
Funeral Arrangements
Funeral arrangements are now "back to normal" and we will ask you how you would like to arrange the funeral, either by telephone call, video call, within one of our funeral home's or a home visit. This is a guideline we are following in line with advice from the Government and the NAFD ( National Association of Funeral Directors ). We will arrange the funeral in exactly the same way and can either show you our brochure via video call, email you, in the office or at home. Everything we discuss during the arrangement will be typed up and posted to you the same day for your records, these are known as Confirmation of Funeral Arrangements. Don't forget though, out team is on hand 24/7 should you have any queries or concerns.
Visiting our Resting Suites
Visiting is now back to normal.
We have found that during the Covid 19 period, making appointments has worked incredibly well so we would still promote that however it isn't necessary anymore and if you decide to walk in that's fine too.
One of the main questions asked is "Can my loved one be dressed and viewed when they have died of Covid 19 ? " and the answer is YES. We will take all the necessary steps to ensure our safety and yours however we have yet to see any evidence that viewing can be not be carried out
The Funeral Day
Sunderland Crematorium is now operating at its normal full capacity. Please note, Mask wearing, hand sanitizing etc is now all optional and these will not be available from the Crematorium, you must now supply your own should you need them.
Live Streaming Service
Live Steaming is now available within the chapel at Sunderland Crematorium. Simply visit www.obitus.com and enter the Username & Password which can be given to you by your funeral director. You can also watch the service again for a further 28 days by logging in and using the same details. Please note it can take up to 3 working days for the video to be uploaded after the service itself.
Please note, Livestreaming is now charged at £30.00, you can also book the Livestream including at 28 day watch back and download for £45.00 and keepsake DVD's are still available at £50.00
These fees are generated by Sunderland City Council
After Care
Our After Care Service is still as available as ever. Your funeral director will be at the end of the phone whenever they are needed and will call you to make sure everything is OK and to make sure you are coping incase further help and support is needed